USNH Cybersecurity

USNH Cybersecurity has received reports of a phishing email targeting PSU community members, which purports to be a job opportunity.

Email subject =AWESOEM AND REWARDING !!!


Email Text

Links in the email have been removed

From the Career and Employment Specialist for the Program   . We have a strong passion for connecting people with similar career interests. I believe that we carry a great wealth of information for current students and alumni who might want to explore various career paths.  


The personal assistant job involves you working remotely from your location to support a busy executive. You will be working from home. The hours are flexible so you can spread the time to fit your schedule .You will be provided with sufficient funds and adequate instruction for every task.The qualified person should be smart and very resourceful with exceptional communication skills and organizational ability. 

Responsibilities :

Coordinating a complex schedule both work and personal
Manage multiple task lists
Manage & run personal & business errands
Handle highly confidential and/or sensitive matters with discretion at all times

Job Type :

Part-Time (2-3 Hours Weekly)



ALL interested in working from home and earn $300 Weekly should <link removed>

If you received this email, please delete it.

If you responded, please ignore any future communication related to this phishing email.
