FAQ - Moodle to Canvas Migration

Plymouth State University

Moodle to Canvas Learning Management System Transition 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Please NOTE: All information below is based on PSU courses migrating from Moodle to Canvas by Summer 2021, however, this timeline and information below is subject to change. 

Where can I go to get support documentation on Canvas?

The following webpage contains support documentation for Canvas:

Why is PSU moving to Canvas? 

USNH recently purchased Canvas as part of a NH state-wide license that covers all USNH institutions, Community College System of NH, and K-12 schools. Canvas is a well-designed, intuitive Learning Management System that focuses on saving time and effort, so that faculty and students can focus on the course content and not the tool. 

What is the timetable for moving to Canvas? 

Any faculty teaching in Summer ‘21 will be required to use Canvas, and all classes in Fall ‘21 must use Canvas and not Moodle. 

When will my courses be moved to Canvas? 

Faculty may begin the migration process themselves to meet their own schedule. Instructions will be made available on how to do this. Additional details on bulk migrations of courses to be completed by Canvas will be provided by the end of October. The first bulk migrations are expected to take place in January ‘21. 

When will Moodle no longer be available? 

Moodle will no longer be used for new courses after the Spring ‘21 term. 

The current Moodle environment will remain available beyond that point as an accommodation for students with incompletes or other similar needs for the previous term as well as to facilitate moving content over to Canvas. As of September 2021, the current Moodle environment will be switched to being read-only. 

Is there a way to explore Canvas to learn more about it? 

Canvas has a great community resource with knowledgebase articles and a number of groups for like-minded individuals to connect, discuss questions, and provide peer-to-peer support at https://community.canvaslms.com/. The community is one of the most valuable assets you will be offered as a PSU faculty member going through the migration to Canvas. 

If you would like a “sandbox” course in the PSU Canvas instance to explore and practice with the technology, please submit a request to the Help Desk with the request type of “Request a Sandbox”. A Sandbox is a space to explore Canvas that is not “live” or active. It like a “test-drive” space. 

Whom do I contact if I have a question about moving to Canvas? 

Email Alicia Medros at alicia.medros@unh.edu. Alicia is the project manager for the Canvas Implementation Project as well as the Director of AT Applications Support in Enterprise Technology & Services. 

How do I move my Moodle content to Canvas? 

You can export full courses or specific items, such as content files or tests, from Moodle and import them into your Canvas course. Instructions on how to import a Moodle course into Canvas are available from the Canvas Community: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-import-content-from-Moodle-into-Canvas/ta-p/1158  

There will also be bulk migrations of courses from Moodle to Canvas performed by Canvas during spring and summer ‘21. Courses migrated for you via bulk migration will still require review and updates within Canvas by the course faculty. 

What training and support will I get to setup my course? 

There will be hands on facilitated and self-paced training as well as instructional design and technology office hours. You also have the option of requesting one on one consultations or training with instructional designers or system support staff for additional assistance with course migration, design, and build task. Canvas provides online chat and phone support for system usage questions 24 hours a day 7 days a week by calling the IT Help Desk at 535-2525 or using the ‘Chat’ feature in Canvas. There will be Academic Technology Specialists available for assistance both locally on-campus and remotely.  

How much time will it take me to transition my course from Moodle to Canvas? 

The amount of time will vary based on your current usage of Moodle and the number of features in Canvas you plan to use. All faculty should plan on investing a minimum of 1 hour for an introductory training and 3 hours per course for migration, review, and adjustment.  

What support will be available for my students? 

Students will have how-to guides built in Canvas and available in each course. There will also be workshops and walk-up assistance available at Lamson Library and Learning Commons and via Zoom. Online chat and phone support is provided by Canvas 24 hours a day 7 days a week by calling the IT Help Desk at 535-2525 or using the ‘Chat’ feature in Canvas. 

What happens to all the historical grade information in Moodle? 

All Moodle data will continue to be available until January 2022. At that point all course data including grades will be archived and available upon request. If you have any in process grade disputes or concerns, we recommend you download the Moodle gradebook to your computer for easy access. Contact the IT Help Desk if you have further questions or would like assistance with downloading Moodle gradebooks. 

Who will have access to my Canvas courses? 

Canvas administrators have access to all Canvas courses. Application Support team also has access in order to troubleshoot issues with faculty. These are IT staff, and they must sign a document upon their employment that they understand and agree to following ethical practices in having this level of privilege.  

As part of the Canvas implementation, we will work with the Provost and/or his/her designees to document the current process PSU follows for granting access to a course. There is no change to that practice; it will be the same as it is for Moodle today. 

Who owns Canvas courses? 

According to PSU policy, the instructor owns the Canvas course. See the link below: https://campus.plymouth.edu/academic-affairs/wp-content/uploads/sites/28/2019/05/PSU_Intellectual_Property_Policy_2019-05-01_FINAL.pdf


Granite State College

Moodle to Canvas Learning Management System Transition 

Frequently Asked Questions 

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