Cybersecurity Incident Reporting

Cybersecurity Operations & IAM, a division of Cybersecurity & Networking (CS&N) is responsible for responding to and investigating incidents involving USNH information and information technology resources, including suspected data breaches, compromised user accounts or devices, and lost or stolen computers. 

Cybersecurity Incident Reporting

To report a cybersecurity incident:

Call your institutional Help Desk  and alert the support technician that you need to report a cybersecurity incident.

  • Keene State - 603-358-2532
  • Plymouth State - 603-535-2525
  • UNH - 603-862-2525

State of New Hampshire Reporting Requirement

Definitions for Reporting Requirement

The State of New Hampshire maintains specific statutes that require certain notifications to take place following an information technology security breach.  USNH Cybersecurity Ops & IAM, in conjunction with the USNH Chief Information Security Officer, is responsible for determining when notification to the state is required and handles all aspects of the notification process.