The following lists are the worst passwords from 2018-2020 - with the first providing information regarding how long it may take attackers to crack a "weak or bad" password and how many times it has been exposed. We strongly encourage anyone using any listed or similar passwords to change immediately. The resources under "Creating a better password" can assist in creating more secure options.

Image: NordPass
Worst passwords 2018-2020
123456 |
password |
123456789 |
12345678 |
12345 |
111111 |
1234567 |
sunshine |
qwerty |
iloveyou |
princess |
admin |
welcome |
666666 |
abc123 |
football |
123123 |
monkey |
654321 |
!@#$%^&* |
charlie |
aa123456 |
donald |
password1 |
qwerty123 |
Source: Nordpass and SplashData
123456 |
123456789 |
qwerty |
password |
1234567 |
12345678 |
12345 |
iloveyou |
111111 |
123123 |
abc123 |
qwerty123 |
1q2w3e4r |
admin |
qwertyuiop |
654321 |
555555 |
lovely |
7777777 |
welcome |
888888 |
princess |
dragon |
password1 |
123qwe |
Creating a better password
- USNH recommendations for creating a strong password
- Follow the requirements in USNH Password Policy.
- Do not use dictionary words
- Length matters - long passphrases are better than short, complex passwords; and may be easier to remember!
- Do not create passwords with personal information
- Use a password manager to help manage usernames and passwords for multiple applications/sites.
- Use online tools to help determine how safe a potential password might be
- My1login Password Strength test - shows how long it might take to crack a password
- Have I Been Pwned? - compares password against a database of compromised passwords circulating on the dark web