Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan
A mountain stream surrounded by fir trees and mountains.

The Enterprise Technology & Services Strategic Plan is a living document that aspires to a five-year vision for information technology. It establishes initiatives and goals over a rolling three-year horizon to achieve the vision. Enterprise Technology & Services is aligned to support the missions and strategic plans of each USNH institution. The plan is organized around seven strategic priorities, each supported by a series of initiatives that are actualized through yearly operating goals or outcomes. The Enterprise Technology & Services Leadership Team will review its plan annually to capture progress against each strategic theme, to identify any new Initiatives, and to identify operating goals, outcomes, and measures of success for the coming fiscal year.

Background and Trajectory

One Team, One Mission, One Family - In August 2020, Enterprise Technology & Services (ET&S) completed a transformation to unify all IT departments across the University System of New Hampshire. This new workforce established defined technology and cybersecurity services and began standardizing service delivery across the university system. These efforts enabled each USNH institution to leverage the depth of IT expertise, increase access to curated data, improve the collective cybersecurity posture of our academic, business, and research operations, improve the spin-up time of new capabilities for emerging needs, and reduce the overall costs to support enterprise services.

Right at the start of this transformation, the global COVID-19 pandemic hit in the spring of 2020. Although priorities were shifted to create and support new hybrid learning and remote work environments for students and employees, the transformation took on new importance. The pandemic provided expediency and focus to the transformation, compressing the timeline for significant change and lopping years off the process of bringing all institutions onto the same technology platforms under the watchful eye of a newly unified team. With this metamorphosis, USNH was able to support its new business environment.

While ET&S was centralizing its capability, we were empowering our leadership team to best support our students, employees, and research teams. A key element of this success was ensuring the CIO was an active participant in institutional strategic planning.

The outcomes of this transformation included vast improvements in the following areas:

  • Public Safety - ET&S collaborated with the UNH COVID Testing Lab to pull all campus testing results into a single, public-facing dashboard that benefitted all USNH campuses and New Hampshire as a community by providing a real-time lens into the spread of the virus.
  • Innovation - Aligning expertise into individual service lines brought the best and brightest minds together to provide depth and capability, which brought innovation to the forefront and enabled ET&S to expedite solutions that support the emerging and changing needs of both the academic and research environments.
  • Network Environment Improvements - ET&S completed a massive system-wide improvement to network infrastructure, significantly upgrading the USNH network to provide students, faculty, and staff with crucial high-speed bandwidth access to support hybrid learning and work environments.
  • Cost Savings - The ET&S transformation allowed USNH to significantly reduce operational costs, which was crucial during a time of increased expense to support public safety.
  • Improved Cybersecurity
    ET&S enabled integrated cybersecurity policies, training opportunities, strong configuration management, and constant maintenance of the environment to counter the emerging ransomware threats.
  • Technology and Service Standardization 
    ET&S integrated software, services, and processes across USNH to provide the USNH with more efficiency and better 24/7 customer support, and to promote collaboration and communication across all institutions. 


What’s Next?

Coming out of this transformation, although we feel pretty good about where we are at in this stage of the pandemic, we have no idea what tomorrow, next week, or next year will bring. We do know we are now prepared as an organization to pivot in whatever direction that we need to deliver support to our research and our academic spheres, no matter what operating environment they need. Everything we accomplished in the last two years gives us options to pivot. We have the expertise and capacity in place to further modernize our infrastructure, and that puts us in a powerful position moving forward.

Strategic Priorities

The ET&S Strategic Plan contains seven strategic priorities. Each contributes to our vision to transform USNH to a scalable, secure and affordable ecosystem that promotes and supports student success, innovative teaching & research, and emerging needs of the future. 

Photo of high tension wires at sunset
Infrastructure and Ecosystem Foundation
Infrastructure and Ecosystem Foundation

This strategic priority forms the foundation of how the ecosystem will move information by creating the conditions for the sharing and securing information. 

Computer server with yellow cables plugged into the back
Safety, Security, and Compliance
Safety, Security, and Compliance

ET&S will ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data stored in USNH information technology systems while monitoring regulatory compliance. 

College professor standing in front of a white board
Learning Technology Modernization
Learning Technology Modernization

Ensuring faculty and students have access to state-of-the-art teaching and learning tools.

College student inserting fluid into a test tube
Research Enterprise
Research Enterprise

ET&S helped provide COVID-19 testing and reporting, grant management via Cayuse, and many tools and technologies to support research.

Two college students talking in a library
Customer Experience
Customer Experience

ET&S ensures USNH students, faculty, and staff have access to the latest tools and technologies. 

College students on campus during fall
Digital Business Modernization
Digital Business Modernization

ET&S provides modern business tools and technologies for all USNH institutions. 

Man standing in front of screens displaying the ocean floor
Decision Support & Analysis
Decision Support & Analysis

ET&S supplies USNH administration with the data and analytics it needs to make important decisions.

Strategic Initiatives

Chart showing Infrastructure & Ecosystem Foundation strategic initiatives. Read below for explanation/
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This strategic priority forms the foundation of how the ecosystem will move information by creating the conditions for the sharing and securing information. 

Initiative Timeline Status
USNH-wide ET&S Organizational Transformation
The Enterprise Technology & Services Strategic Plan is a living
document that aspires to a five-year vision for information technology. 
FY20-FY22 Completed
USNH-wide O365 Migration FY21-FY23 Completed
USNH-wide Voice Consolidation FY21-FY23 Completed
USNH-wide Wireless Consolidation FY21-FY23 Completed
USNH-wide Fiber Network Modernization FY20-FY22 Completed
Next-Gen Networking FY23-FY25 Aspirational
Zero-Trust Architecture Enablement FY23-FY25 In-Flight
USNH-wide Data Center Consolidation FY21-FY24 In-Flight
USNH-wide ET&S Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Strategy FY23-FY25 In-Flight
USNH-wide Directory Services Consolidation FY20-FY24 In-Flight
Cloud as a Commodity FY23-FY25 Aspirational


Chart showing Safety, Security, and Compliance strategic initiatives. Read below for explanation
Click to Expand

ET&S will ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data stored in USNH information technology systems while monitoring regulatory compliance. 

Initiative Timeline Status
Identity Access Modernization FY20-FY25 In-Flight
USNH-wide Network Event Management & Proactive Response FY21-FY22 Completed
USNH-wide Cybersecurity Policy FY21-FY24 Completed
GRC Governance FY22-FY24 Completed
USNH-wide Managed Cyber Detection & Response FY22-FY23 Completed
Continuous Compliance FY22-FY23 Completed

Chart showing Learning Technology Modernization strategic initiatives. Read below for explanation/
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Ensuring faculty and students have access to state-of-the-art teaching and learning tools.

Initiative Timeline  Status
Hyflex Learning Enrollment FY20 - FY22 Complete

NH K-20 Digital Learning Environment

FY21 - FY22 Complete
Student Success Technology Environment FY21 - FY24 In-Flight
Inclusive Learning Environment FY23 - FY25 In-Flight
Teaching Effectiveness & Learning Analytics FY23 - FY25 Aspirational
Learning Enrollment Modernization FY23 - FY25 In-Flight


Chart showing Research Enterprises strategic initiatives. Read below for explanation/
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ET&S helped provide COVID-19 testing and reporting, grant management via Cayuse, and many tools and technologies to support research.

Initiatives  Timeline  Status
Covid-19 Testing and Reporting FY20 - FY23 Completed
Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification FY22 - FY24 In-Flight
Grant Management Software - Cayuse FY21 - FY23 Completed
Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Hybrid Cloud FY22 - FY25 In-Flight
Research Technology Infrastructure FY23 - FY25 In-Flight


Chart showing Customer Experience strategic initiatives. Read below for explanation/
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ET&S ensures USNH students, faculty, and staff have access to the latest tools and technologies. 

Initiative Timeline Status
Help Desk Consolidation FY20 - FY23 Completed
Web Environment Modernization - Drupal FY22 -FY24 Completed
Apps Anywhere FY24 - FY25 Aspirational
USNH-wide Endpoint Modernization FY20 - FY24 Completed
Machine Learning & Artificial Learning FY22 - FY24 In-Flight
CRM Harmonization - UNH Constituent Engagement FY24 - FY25+ Aspirational
IT Service Management & Governance FY23 - FY25 In-Flight
Modern Campus Portal FY23 - FY25 Completed
Marketing Automation FY23 - FY25 In-Flight/Aspirational


Chart showing Digital Business Modernization strategic initiatives. Read below for explanation/
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ET&S provides modern business tools and technologies for all USNH institutions. 

Initiative Timeline Status
FAR - Transformation Support FY20 - FY23 Completed
Jaggaer/Eprocurement - Support FY20 - FY22 Completed
Academic Business Tools: Accommodate, Courseleaf, Slate FY22 - FY24 Completed
ERP - Business Systems Transformation FY23 - FY25+ In-Flight
IT Asset Management & Governance FY22 - FY25 In-Flight
GSC/UNH Merger FY22 - FY24 Completed
Advancement - GiveCampus FY23 - FY24 Completed
USNH-wide Shared Courses Framework FY22 - FY24 In-Flight
Advancement Fundraising Campaign FY21 - FY25+ Complete/In-Flight


Chart showing Decision Support Analytics strategic initiatives. Read below for explanation/
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ET&S supplies USNH administration with the data and analytics it needs to make important decisions.

Initiative Timeline Status
Data Governance Program FY23 - FY25+ In-Flight

Future Generation of Business Intelligence Self-Service

FY24 - FY25+ Aspirational
Data Literacy Initiative FY24 - FY25+ Aspirational