
USNH uses Google Analytics to analyze traffic patterns, streamline the user journey, improve content, and personalize website content for digital advertising and remarketing. All information collected by Google Analytics follows USNH cookie and privacy policies. USNH ET&S Software Development is responsible for managing USNH Google Analytics accounts.

Analytics access

Website owners or communication managers may request access to Google Analytics. Staff, faculty and students with active USNH user IDs and email accounts who are involved with website management can request monthly analytics reports related to their sites. Access requires the use of a Gmail account affiliated with a USNH email address. Consultants may need a sponsored account. User accounts that have been inactive for one year will be closed by Software Development.

For reports or access:


For support for Google Analytics, please contact ET&S.


Google analytics is a self-service tool. Limited assistance is available during weekly Drupal and Website Tools walk-in sessions offered by Software Development.


Inactive Google Analytics accounts will be archived temporarily before being deleted.

Responsibility for usage

Users must use the tool responsibly and not make any changes that affect accounts other than their own. All information collected and stored must follow both Google's and the USNH privacy policy.


If inappropriate or inaccurate activity is discovered, USNH ET&S will contact the account user to discuss the issue. If the account owner cannot be contacted or is no longer at USNH, that account will be administered by ET&S and can be removed if deemed inaccurate or inappropriate. When usage is obviously unacceptable, ET&S will immediately remove the account prior to contacting the account owner. Unacceptable usage also may cause USNH Google Analytics access to be suspended. Reports regarding inappropriate content may be sent to ET&S.