RCC aspires to provide exceptional, comprehensive IT products and services in alignment with USNH strategic goals. We provide a broad spectrum of services including, but not limited to the following areas below. Please contact us at rcc.support@unh.edu or submit a request for at https://usnh.edu/it/rcc-support
Data Centers
Lenharth Data Center
- 2,000 square feet
- Physical security, including 24 hour video monitoring, motion alarms, and logged swipe card door access
- Energy efficient in-row cooling and Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) distributed in an alternating hot and cold aisle layout
Infrastructure Services
Data Storage
RCC offers network mountable data storage located inside the Lenharth Data Center serviced by RCC owned hardware. Stored data is preserved by RAID on enterprise grade disks. Backup services are available for an additional charge. The maximum allowed data classification is "sensitive", as defined by the UNH data classification policies.
Full data backups are performed on a weekly basis, and incremental backups are performed on a daily basis. RCC's backup charges are based on the most recent full backup for the month.
Hosting (Physical and Virtualized) & Server Administration
Linux, Windows and iOS system administration services are available. These include installation of operating systems and applications, timely system updates, and account creation. The physical hardware may be located inside of RCC's Lenharth Data Center, in your office, or cloud based. Enhanced security is available for hardware housed in the Lenharth Data Center.
High Performance Computing (HPC)
RCC's Lenharth Data Center is home to multiple HPC clusters, including a central shared cluster called Premise and a CRAY supercomputer called Trillian. RCC supports every aspect of HPC for research, including discipline-specific facilitation.
Enhanced network security is available for systems that must adhere to specific requirements. Approved for the storage of restricted data that is required to comply with federal regulations, such as HIPAA
Software Development Services
Web & Mobile
Research Computing provides software development services for database-driven web and mobile solutions. We follow industry standards to provide secure, responsive and accessible applications. Our developers can create custom solutions from scratch, or work with existing research applications. We specialize in data collection, storage, visualization, geographic information systems and collaborative tools for research. Research Computing can develop in most popular languages and platforms including specific expertise in PHP, Python, Drupal and ASP.Net.
Desktop/Compiled Applications
The Research Computing Center can assist researchers in developing custom research-specific applications for all platforms: Unix, Mac, PC. We have software developers able to help with design of user interfaces as well as implementing research specific algorithms for data gathering, analysis, and presentation. Research Computing Center developers can help with all major software development languages and environments. RCC can work with existing source code that researchers may have from collaborators or prior grants.
Data Collection, Visualization, Dissemination, Collaboration
The Research Computing Center can assist researchers in developing custom desktop or web applications designed for data collection, visualization and collaboration. Our developers have expertise in Fortran 77, C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, ASP.Net as well as many others.
Advanced Data Processing and Statistical Analysis
The Research Computing Center (RCC) offers advanced data processing consultations and statistical analysis services to the UNH research community.
Virtual Reality
Specializing in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and eXtended Reality.