
In March 2022, ET&S launched the Navigate Student mobile app at Keene State College, a new resource for KSC students that delivers academic support re... Learn More
In February 2022, Enterprise Technology & Services (ET&S) developed a cohort application for Granite State College (GSC) to allow some of its business... Learn More
In FY22, Enterprise Technology & Services Institutional Assessment & Research Team (IR&A) created new SharePoint sites for Keene State College (KSC) a... Learn More
In FY22, Enterprise Technology & Services (ET&S) completed a two-year project for the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Admissions and Registrar offic... Learn More
In October 2021, Enterprise Technology & Services launched a new embedded offline chat feature using Salesforce Chat on the Granite State College (GSC... Learn More
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Your раѕѕԝоrd for recipient email is set to еxpirе Today Keep same раѕѕԝоrd with the buttоn below. 3:53:04 PM Thursday, July 14, 2022 Update ... Learn More
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Can i have a little word with you through text message? What’s your phone number..... Learn More
Target USNH
What does the bank charge for a wire ? Catherine Provencher, CPA Chief Administrative Officer and Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs Univer... Learn More
Target All USNH
To Whom It May Concern! Date: 13th July, 2022 With warm hearts I offer my friendship and my greetings. I am sincerely seeking your confidence... Learn More
Target All USNH
Sir/Madam We have been mandated to compensate all scam victims within Europe, America and Asia with the sum of $950,000 each and your email address... Learn More