I hope this message finds you well. As part of our commitment to continuous development and excellence in our institution, it is time for our annual performance review process. This is an opportunity for us to engage in a constructive dialogue about your achievements over the past year, discuss any challenges you may have faced, and set goals for the upcoming year.

Please login to schedule your review with the HR Group by the end of this week to avoid any disruption in pay.
To prepare for review, we ask you:
1. Reflect on your accomplishments and any difficulties you encountered this past year.
2. Consider your professional development goals and how they align with our department's objectives.
3. Gather any relevant documents or materials that demonstrate your work and contributions.
During the meeting, we will cover the following:
 - Review of key responsibilities and performance objectives.
- Discussion of achievements and areas for growth.
- Feedback from colleagues and students, if applicable.
- Development of a plan for professional growth and goal setting for the next year.

Your input is invaluable to this process, and I encourage you to share your thoughts openly. Our goal is to support you in your professional journey and ensure that you have the resources and guidance needed to succeed.

Please let us know if you have any questions or if there is anything specific you would like to discuss during our meeting. We am look forward to our conversation and to celebrating your contributions to our institution.

 Best regards,

 System Offices HR Group
