About Power BI
Power BI is data visualization software that lets you easily connect to data and use it to create interactive, sharable dashboards. The Center for DATA is in the process of transitioning to Power BI as our enterprise supported data visualization solution.
All faculty, staff, and students with a USNH email address have the ability to develop content in Power BI.
Power BI Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get access to Power BI software?
All individuals who possess an email address within the USNH domain have access to Power BI automatically. All users can create new content in Power BI, though in order to develop content in departmental workspaces permission is required from site admins.
Departments who wish to develop content within Power BI will need to submit a ticket to have a workspace built. Developer access must be requested from site administrators, who will add the user to the appropriate AD groups. Viewer access to specific content within the USNH Power BI service requires permission to be granted by the project developer within the App. App viewers will not require access to the Workspace itself.
Who can interact with Power BI projects at USNH?
The project developers/data stewards can determine who will be included in the “audience” for the reports they own. These audiences will be set up through Microsoft 365 groups, and then added to the “App”.
Where can I find Power BI learning resources?
Please visit the USNH Data Visualization SharePoint site for more information about training opportunities, resources, best practices guides, and must-read information for Power BI Developers.
What data can Power BI use?
Power BI can connect to key enterprise data or departmental data, from a variety of data source types. Please refer to this article for more information about compatible data source types.
How do I request access to Power BI visualizations as an interactor?
Individual Power BI developers control access to their content. Please contact the department that developed the visualization you are interested in for permission.
How do developers add interactors to a Tableau project?
Developers must approve access for all interactors. Developers can request access on an interactor’s behalf through the IT accounts management system. Alternatively, developers can send a list of approved interactors to the Center for DATA team and then instruct interactors to use the IT accounts management system to request access on their own. These instructions guide users through the accounts management request process.
For assistance adding larger groups of interactors, more than 20 at once, please use our Tableau support request form.
Power BI Resources
USNH Data Visualization SharePoint
This site is intended to provide transparency and communication about The Center for DATA data visualization tools. Included are links, documentation, news, training recommendations, and more.
Online Resources
Power BI training from LinkedIn Learning:
Self-paced learning guides from Microsoft Learn:
Technical Assistance
Submit a Ticket
Register: Data Visualization Office Hours
Register: Data Visualization Users Group
Additional Tableau Information
Do you need more information or do you have questions? If so, please contact the information technology service desk.