Welcome back! This week’s Enterprise Technology & Services Tech Briefing has important start-of-semester information and a few reminders.
Quick Resources for New Faculty and Staff
- Connect to WIFI (eduroam)
- Verify your account and password security settings in the Microsoft Portal.
- Get Microsoft Office
- Set up your campus email on your mobile device
- Download and install antivirus software
- Share and Store Files with OneDrive
- Access a Public Printer
- Check the Legitimacy of an Email on the Phishbowl
In Case You Missed It (Reminders)
New Login Method for USNH Applications
To Know: As a reminder, as of Tuesday, August 1, most USNH applications now require students, faculty, and staff to log in with their Fully Qualified Username, which comprises your username followed by @usnh.edu.
Please note: your campus email address remains the same.
This unique identifier plus Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA, which you already use) will authenticate your access to many services, regardless of campus affiliation.
To Do: If you experience trouble logging in with your Fully Qualified Username, please Clear the Cache on your web browser.
USNH VPN Migration: from PulseSecure to GlobalProtect
To Know: On September 1, 2023, the new USNH VPN solution, GlobalProtect, will be available for all USNH users. The GlobalProtect VPN allows access to critical resources and a seamless user experience.
Users can begin using GlobalProtect on September 1 for the enhanced user experience; PulseSecure will also remain available for the short term.
To Do: For enterprise-managed devices, ET&S will push GlobalProtect to your computer automatically on September 1. Click here for instructions on how to connect. For personal devices, you must download and install GlobalProtect on your device. Please click here for installation and migration information and information on the future de-provisioning of the PulseSecure VPN.
To Know: UNH has a Gradescope license available in Canvas for instructors. Instructors can use Gradescope to seamlessly administer and grade all assessments, whether online or in-class. Save time grading and get a clear picture of how students are doing Gradescope supports online assignments where no paper is required, paper-based assignments, assignments combining online and paper-based approaches, and programming assignments.
To Do:
Find out how to get started with Gradescope in our Knowledge Base Article: Canvas (myCourses): Collect and Grade your assignments with Gradescope
New myUNH Portal
To Know: In spring 2023, UNH launched a new portal to provide the campus community with a tailored, one-stop online resource accessible to all UNH students, faculty, and staff using a web browser or mobile device. ET&S migrated all content and functionality to the new portal.
To Do: Make the new portal your home by visiting https://my.usnh.edu and signing in with your UNH username and password.
The Parker Media Lab at UNH
To Know: ET&S designed the New Parker Media Lab (PML) as an interdisciplinary audio and visual self-service recording space to support creating professional, academically focused content. The PMP is available to any University of New Hampshire (UNH) student, staff, or faculty member.
The new Parker Media Lab features a WhisperRoom, One Button Studio, and Lightboard technologies, which were added to Dimond 237. During Dimond Library's operational hours, you can reserve the PML through EMS, UNH’s Room Reservation system.
We also have some great articles to get you started in the Parker Media Lab!
Parker Media Lab: Using the Lightboard
Parker Media Lab: Using the One Button Studio
Parker Media Lab: Using the Whisper Room
To Do: Visit the Parker Media Lab’s website to view the available resources at https://www.usnh.edu/it/it/pml
UNH Durham, Manchester and Law Classroom Technology Support
Learning Space Technology (LST) wants to share three ways to get help using classroom audiovisual technology.
- Call your local hotline – especially if time is tight!
UNH Durham - AV Hotline - 603-862-2467
UNH Manchester - 603-641-4357
UNH Law - 603-513-5127 - Understand which classroom type in which your class is scheduled:
- Select the room you teach in and scroll to the bottom of that webpage for step-by-step training instructions.
- Request Support for technical problems in the classroom (non-urgent):
Also, please note: If your laptop has a USB-C connector and not HDMI, you must purchase an adapter. LST recommends an Anker Hub Adapter, a 5-in-1 Adapter.
Catalyst: Student Organization Management
To Know: The UNH Durham campus transitioned to a new student organization management platform, Catalyst: unh.edu/catalyst
Catalyst is where student organization information and campus events are listed. This change stemmed from student feedback and wanting a more user-friendly platform. Wildcat Link is no longer the platform, so please review the new website to become familiar with this resource. You can review the Catalyst FAQ sheet here.
To Do: If you are inputting an event through Catalyst, please note that event permits (events happening outside, events that involve raffles or games of chance, etc.) must be completed no later than two weeks prior. For larger events, event permits must be completed four weeks before the event.
If you notice issues, as can happen with the rollout of a new platform, or if you have questions, please contact UNH.Catalyst@unh.edu, and someone from the Memorial Union & Student Activities staff will respond to assist.
Canvas Gradebook Filter & Design Updates
To Know: Starting Thursday, August 10, 2023, Gradebook has a new design and an enhanced filter. This update provides instructors with a more efficient and intuitive way to organize and sort their Gradebooks but will not impact any existing grades. Gradebook moved features previously found on the left View list to the settings in the cog wheel. The enhanced Gradebook filter allows for customizing filters and saving them for reuse.
To Do: To learn more, read our Knowledge Base article Canvas: New Gradebook appearance and new enhanced filter
iClicker Cloud UNH Launch
To Know: iClicker Cloud is launching across UNH for the Fall 2023 semester and iClicker Classic will no longer be supported.
Faculty across UNH successfully piloted iClicker Cloud, the web-based version of the iClicker software last year and all faculty should begin using it this fall. Our knowledge base article, iClicker: Differences between iClicker Classic and iClicker Cloud outlines the major differences between the two applications.
To Do: If you are a faculty currently using iClicker, sign up for an iClicker Classic to iClicker Cloud transition training to learn more about using iClicker Cloud. Visit the LD&T Training Calendar and sign up for a training session. You can also read our knowledge base articles for Faculty and Students.
How to get Technology Help
To Know: As the Help Desk prepares to support our students, staff, and faculty return to campus, please review some important reminders about how to get IT Help.
- Extended Help Desk hours for in-person support for move-in weekend and the first week of classes can be found here: https://td.usnh.edu/TDClient/60/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=4547#holiday_hours
- Beginning Tuesday, September 5, in-person Help Desk support will revert to our regular hours at the Technology Help Desk in Dimond Library, Main Level, Room 341.
- Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Telephone and Ticket Support is always available 24/7/365 via the Help Desk Client Portal: https://www.usnh.edu/it/need-it-help or by calling 603-862-2525.
- When calling the Help Desk, please listen carefully to the voice prompts as our menu has changed and may change periodically as the support environment changes. For Back-to-School 2023, the options are as follows:
- Press 1 if you are an instructor with an emergency with AV equipment in the classroom.
- Press 2 to be transferred to an Account Specialist - if you require help resetting your password or are an incoming student or new employee who needs help activating your account.
- Press 3 to speak to the next available Technician.
To Do: Need technology help? Find self-help options in our Technology Knowledge Base or reach out to the Help Desk at https://www.usnh.edu/it/need-it-help
Training Opportunities
ET&S Learning Design and Technology (LDT) and our vendor partners host training and office hours. Register for upcoming sessions through the links in this announcement. We look forward to continuing to offer in-person and virtual sessions this semester.
iClicker Classic to iClicker Cloud Transition | Register
Thurs., August 24, 9-10:00 a.m. Via Zoom
This session is for faculty who are experienced in using iClicker Classic and are transitioning to iClicker Cloud
Canvas (myCourses): Introduction | Join this Session
Thurs., August 24, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Tuesday, August 29, 3-4:00 p.m.
This is a live Zoom online introduction session that will give you a high-level overview of Canvas. You will learn basic Canvas navigation, how to add course content, a syllabus, and assessments. Also learn how the Calendar and Gradebook are populated.
Canvas (myCourses): Assignments | Join this Session
Fri. August 25, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
In this session, we will cover creating an assignment, available settings, briefly discuss an assignment rubric, how to access assignment submissions, and some best practices.
iClicker Cloud: Student Polling System
Fri. August 25, 9-10:00 a.m. | Dimond 521 or Via Zoom
Teaching & Learning Technologies uses a student response system called iClicker Cloud. In this hands-on session, you will learn how to use iClicker to support active learning in your classes. We will also review Reef Polling.