USNH Cybersecurity

USNH CyberSecurity has received reports of a phishing email targeting KSC community members and offering a fake job opportunity.

Email Subject = no subject


Email Text


Hello, having gone through the procedure of job posting at the KEENE STATE COLLEGE, I wish to inform you to you that you have been selected for the position of administrative/personnel assistant and am seeking your indulgence about the position because of your honesty and your competence which makes you the preferred candidate.
 This position is manageable in terms of time management and stress-free and can also be performed in your free time outside of the school schedule.
  Your stance about the position will be very much appreciated and also kindly get back to me with your preferred email other than your school email address and phone number to get the full details about the position. Thanks

<user name removed>

If you received this email, please delete it.
