USNH Cybersecurity

USNH Cybersecurity has received reports of a phishing email targeting UNH community members, which compromised a UNH account. The email included a malicious link.

 Email Subject = Campus Police Case


Email Text


Your university account has been filed under the list of accounts set for deactivation due to the retirement/graduation of the concerned account holder. But the record shows you are still active in service and so advised to terminate this request otherwise give us reasons to deactivate your university account.


I'm still active in the university:

Visit here to participate and cancel this deactivation request.

Am set for retirement/graduation:

No action is required (the request will be processed).


Note: Accounts filed for deactivation has been submitted and will be processed within 24hr.



Notification systems

Information technology service.

Personal information in the email has been removed

Please see <URL removed> for information. 

If you received this email, please delete it.
