USNH Cybersecurity

USNH IT has received reports of a phishing email targeting UNH users that purports to be from someone at UNH, asking you to buy some gift cards.

Email Subject = I need your urgent reply


Email Text

There are no links or attachments in the email

Are you available to handle my request? just mail me back on here,Hope you can get back to me as soon as you can today?

Here's what i want you to do for me because I'm a little busy right now. I have been working on incentives and I aimed at surprising some of our diligent staff with gift cards this week. This should be Confidential until they all have the gift cards as it's a surprise and you will keep one for yourself too.

Can you get this done? and how soon?  

If you received this email, please delete it and confirm the request from the user via University email.

If you responded, please ignore any future communication related to this phishing email.
