USNH Cybersecurity

The email below is part of the UNH Micro Credentialing / Digital Badging and it is legitimate. Other emails in this series talk about Lean Black Belt, Lean Yellow Belt and Lean Green Belt.

Email Subject = Introduction to Lean - Lean White Belt - UNH Badging


Email Text

URLs in the email have been removed

Hello Lean White Belts:

We are excited to share that UNH is now issuing digital badging.  As Lean White Belts you have been issued a Lean White Belt Digital Badge.  We submitted the file today to have all our badge earners added so expect to receive an email within the next 24 to 48 hours. 

To learn more about what badging is please click here:  <URL removed>

You can add it to your LinkedIn page and other social media sites as well as within your email signature.  Instructions for your email signature is as follows:  <URL removed>

Here is what you need to know:

  • You will receive an email from:  University of New Hampshire via Acclaim <email address removed>
  • Subject Line:  University of New Hampshire issued you a new badge
  • To claim your badge click on “accept your badge” at the bottom of the email (Please note your badge will state which level badge you are receiving)

  • That will then send you to a Sign Up to Accept Your Badge where you will create an account
  • You will then receive an email from acclaim (you may need to check your spam email) - Acclaim <email address removed>
  • Click on confirm my email

