USNH Cybersecurity

USNH Cybersecurity has received reports of a phishing email targeting UNH community members, which purports to be a notification of account recovery and contains a malicious URL.

Email subject = Account Recovery


Email text

The URL in the email and personal information have been removed

Dear <user name removed>,

An account recovery was initiated for <email address removed>.

If you did not ask for login help, you can ignore this email.

Here are the accounts tied to you:

1 Account Found


Login: <email address removed>
Orders: 0
Last login:
Account ID: 982566530

Reset Password

Login to Account



Thank you,
UNH Wildcats Box Office

UNH Wildcats Box Office



UNH Wildcats Box Office
145 Main Street
Durham, NH 03824
(603) 862-1763
<URL removed>



If you received the email, please delete it.

If you clicked the URL and typed your login credentials, please call Help Desk and change your password.
