USNH Cybersecurity

USNH Cybersecurity has received reports of a phishing email targeting PSU community members, which purports to be a job opportunity with a new company in New Hampshire.

Email Subject = Available Positions


Email Text

Links and personal information in the email have been removed.

Hello there,


A new company in New Hampshire is currently recruiting for a Remote Online Assistant II and a Cashier. A Job that will not affect your current employment or studies, it is fun and rewarding.


You get to make up to $300 weekly, If you are willing to proceed with the job.


Kindly send an updated resume and request for more information regarding the position to <external email removed> for consideration.



<user name removed>

Job Placement Coordinator

Veteran and Career Service Department 

If you received this email, please delete it.

If you responded, please ignore any future communication related to this phishing email.
