ET&S Strategic Communications

UNH websites are often one of the first points of engagement for many prospective students, making accessibility, navigation and the ability to communicate information crucial.

In summer 2019, Enterprise Technology & Services (ET&S) worked with Mad*Pow, a Portsmouth, New Hampshire-based vendor, to conduct a usability study centered on the Undergraduate Admissions website. The survey asked 20 high school students to browse UNH websites and perform specific tasks.

The study uncovered several key findings that have allowed UNH to improve the website visitor experience. These findings resulted in the following recommendations:

  • Add more iconography and infographics to communicate fast facts
  • Provide visitors with a consistent way to navigate back to the UNH home page
  • Make items such as contact information easier to find
  • Separate information about undergraduate and graduate programs

Many of these findings were implemented on the new admissions website, which rolled out just after the start of the fall semester, to improve recruitment efforts.

To view the new website, go to