USNH Cybersecurity

Updated 8/31/2021 - USNH CyberSecurity has received reports of a revived phishing email targeting UNH community members, which purports to be from USNH administrators/staff, asking for a cell number.  There are variants of the message but they all request that you send a cellphone number. 

Email subject = Quick request / Are You Available? / A quick respond ASAP <Name>

There are currently no links or attachments in these emails that pose additional risk.

Email Text, Variation 1

Email Subject = Quick request

Send me your available cell number 


<user name removed>
Dean, professor of mechanical and ocean engineering at UNH

Email Text, Variation 2

Email Subject = Are You Available?

I need a favor from you right now kindly email me back as soon as possible.So I can explain much better.

Regards,<user name removed>

Email Text, Variation 3

Email Subject = A Quick Respond ASAP <name>

I need your cell phone number for an urgent task.


<user name removed>
Chief NNNNN Officer
University of New Hampshire


If you received this email, please delete it and confirm the request from the user via University email.

If you responded, please ignore any future communication related to this phishing email.
