Phishing occurs when criminals try to get us to open harmful links, emails, or attachments that could request our personal information or infect our devices. Phishing messages or “bait” usually come in emails, texts, direct messages on social media, or phone calls. These messages are often designed to look like they come from a trusted person or organization to get us to respond. (CISA.Gov)
USNH is the target of hundreds of thousands of malicious emails monthly, and Microsoft M365 mail security was allowing complex email attacks that potentially compromised accounts or installed malware.
Abnormal Security is a software platform that improves email security by working to understand human behavior and providing unprecedented protection against tactics that exploit it, such as phishing attacks, socially engineered threats, and cloud account takeovers.
In FY24, Enterprise Technology & Services (ET&S) deployed Abnormal Email Security to the USNH ET&S mail tenant to respond to this heightened risk. Abnormal allows for higher accuracy, delivering more emails and blocking over 188,000 phishing attacks since March. Abnormal gives everyday users a higher level of security without impacting email reception.