PSU Tech Briefing: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Training and Support
The ET&S Learning Design & Technology team scheduled several Canvas, Zoom, and Kaltura training in the coming weeks. Consider attending our Keys to Success sessions to learn more about communicating expectations to students and using Canvas as a one-stop-shop for course information. A full list of sessions can always be found at
Keys to Success - Canvas as a One-Stop-Shop for Course Information – Join the Meeting
In this session, we will explore how to make Canvas a one-stop shop for all your students’ needs. Focus topics include Using the syllabus, calendar, and to-do list, Adding content to modules, and Announcements.
Friday, Jan 14 11:00 AM – 12:00 p.m.
Friday, Jan 21 11:00 AM – 12:00 p.m.
Keys to Success – Communicating Expectations to Students – Join the Meeting
In this session, we will explore tips and tricks for using Canvas tools to help you communicate expectations to students, including communication options in Canvas and creating assessments with clear deadlines, instructions, and grading expectations.
Tuesday, Jan 18, 2:00 PM – 3:00 p.m.
Virtual Office Hours -
Teaching & Learning Technologies virtual office hours allow attendees to drop in and ask questions to a member of the Learning Design and Technology team. These are open sessions and not specific subject training. Get answers to questions regarding applications such as Canvas, Kaltura, and Zoom.
Friday, Jan 14, 10:00 AM - 11:00 a.m.
Tuesday, Jan 18, 11:00 AM - 12:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan 19, 1:00 PM - 2:00 p.m.
Friday, Jan 21, 2:00 PM - 3:00 p.m.
Classroom Technology for Faculty
If you are teaching in a new classroom this semester and are wondering what technology is available, please use the following links to find further details about specific campus classrooms and the equipment you can expect to see in those spaces.
PSU Classroom Capabilities Chart:
PSU Classroom Configuration Overview:
Requesting Additional Audio-Visual Equipment
You can reserve audio-visual equipment through the Webcheckout application, or by visiting the Lamson Library Info Desk (first-come, first-serve).
Requesting Audio-Visual Assistance in a Classroom
If you need assistance with the AV system in a classroom, please contact the PSU Help Desk for support at 603-535-2525.
Hybrid/Remote teaching
To simplify communication and updates for our students all faculty should use Canvas as a centralized platform for you to communicate with students about their course. Learn more about how to communicate with students in Canvas by attending an upcoming training session to explore tips and tricks. You can continue to use other communication methods as well, but this will make sure all students can rely on up-to-date class information in Canvas.
integrating Zoom with Canvas is another important tool to make Canvas the one place that students need to go if you are planning any remote or hybrid sessions.
Zoom Updates
Many new features and functions are available in Zoom, such as the ability to rename breakout rooms, have a two-way chat with waiting room participants, and much more. To learn more visit
Kaltura Capture Desktop Recorder – Branding Update
Kaltura updated their Capture Desktop Recorder application icon. This branding change will have no effect on the recording functionality of the tool. Here is how it will now appear:

Please visit the Getting Started page to learn more. If you have questions, please fill out this support form:
Phishing and Email Scams
Phishing and email scams continue to be a problem for campuses across the nation and Plymouth sees its fair share. Please use caution if you receive an email coming from a non-USNH address claiming to be a PSU person. Please be aware of any email from a USNH address that you are not expecting and asks you to click a link to give your information or look at a document. You can contact the Help Desk if you have questions or concerns.
It is important that we maintain an increased awareness of phishing, and skepticism of messages asking for personal information. When an unauthorized entity has your username and password, they have access to everything you can access, including your email, course material, and more importantly, any FERPA protected student information you have access to in myPlymouth. The USNH Phishbowl also lists much current phishing and legitimate emails at
If you receive a suspicious-looking email, please forward the email to and then delete the email. Legitimate businesses will never ask you to click on a link in an email to provide additional information, confirm your log-on credentials, or transfer funds. PSU will never ask you to provide your log-on credentials via a link in an email.
Update on Monterey for MacOS users
ET&S/OBS – Desktop Support is working diligently to complete testing on the newly-released Monterey to ensure it is compatible with all PSU systems, existing machines, and other software. We anticipate completing testing by late spring/early summer and will send an update when our systems are ready to support the upgrade.