USNH Cybersecurity

USNH Cybersecurity has received reports of a phishing email targeting UNH community members, that purports to be a notification from UNH Server Admin, inviting you to login via portal in order to receive some pending emails.

Email Subject =You have (6) Messages Pending Delivery On Your Mailbox


Email Text

Personal information in the email has been removed

From Server Admin

You have six (6) messages pending on your e-mail portal since morning the Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021 proceed message portal or open each subject to release message online.

User ID: <email address removed>




  Pending RE: Request for quotation BR739404n

    To: <email address removed>


  Pending: Fw: Payment_Notificat ion.pdf

    To: <email address removed>


  Pending:  Signed contract; Review and send back

    To:  <email address removed>


  Pending: RE:  Statement

    To: <email address removed>


  Pending:  RE: Payment Confirmation

    To: <email address removed>


  Pending: RE: Inquiry From Pick&Pay

    To: <email address removed>



  1. Authorize Delivery for pending mails

  2. Report Error To IT Help Desk

You will receive pending emails after successful login via portal as we apologize for the inconvenience.


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If you received this email, please delete it.
