This week’s Enterprise Technology & Services (ET&S) Tech Briefing contains new information, reminders, and training opportunities.

Qualtrics Community Discussion on Thursday, February 15

To Know: Qualtrics is a web-based software solution the University System of New Hampshire uses to create surveys. We are currently in the exploratory stage of considering another solution that meets the business needs of our students, faculty, and staff while reducing costs and improving the user experience.

To Do: As part of this exploratory process, we seek feedback from the University community to help identify how students, faculty, and staff use Qualtrics and to understand the current and future needs of a survey tool. ET&S will host a virtual session on Thursday, February 15, from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Join this Session. No registration is required for these sessions; they are open to all students, faculty, and staff.

Phishing Reminder from Cybersecurity

To Know: USNH ET&S Cybersecurity wants to bring your attention to a critical matter that requires immediate attention. It has come to our notice that there has been an increase in phishing scams targeting university staff, posing a severe threat to our data and information security. Phishing scams often involve deceptive emails or messages that appear legitimate but are designed to trick individuals into divulging sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, or financial details. These scams can lead to unauthorized access to confidential university data and compromise the integrity of our systems.

To Do: To safeguard our university community, we urge you to remain vigilant and follow these guidelines:

Verify Email Sources:

Always verify the sender's email address before responding to any email requests, especially those requesting sensitive information. Legitimate university communications will typically come from official university email addresses.

Think Before Clicking:

Exercise caution when clicking on links or downloading attachments, even if the email appears to be from a trusted source. Hover over links to preview the destination URL and ensure it matches the expected website.

Report Suspicious Emails:

If you receive an email that seems suspicious, report it immediately to our Cybersecurity support team using the Report Message function in Outlook. Do not respond to or click on any links within the email.

Stay Informed:

Keep yourself informed about the latest phishing tactics and cybersecurity best practices. Regularly review security awareness materials provided by the university.

Remember, your proactive involvement is crucial in maintaining the security of our university's digital environment. By staying alert and following these guidelines, we can collectively mitigate the risks posed by phishing scams.

If you have any concerns or need assistance, please contact our Cybersecurity support team at   

Visit the USNH Phishbowl to view the latest threats:

se of Internet Explorer on USNH Windows Computers on February 7 (Reminder) 

To Know: As a reminder, Microsoft discontinued support for Internet Explorer in December 2022 and no longer releases security updates for this browser. As such, using Internet Explorer poses an exploitable security risk. On Wednesday, February 7, 2024, ET&S will disallow access to Internet Explorer on all USNH Windows computers to help reduce security risks to the University System. 
To Do:  

  1. If you still use Internet Explorer, please use Edge or another browser like Firefox or Chrome. 
  2. If you have bookmarks saved on Internet Explorer, migrate them to Edge by following these instructions: Please note: After February 7, you cannot access bookmarks on Internet Explorer

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