In June 2021, Enterprise Technology & Services introduced Cayuse across the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) to alleviate research administrators of the manual task of submitting and reviewing grant applications. In FY23, ET&S added the Cayuse Fund Manager (CFM) module to aid in the administration of sponsored programs and to help lay the foundation for personnel data to be loaded to execute projections. CFM will be utilized by Sponsor Program Administration, fund managers, research staff, and campus administrators and is expected to go live in June 2023.
The post-award phase of research grants includes implementing the grant, reporting progress, and completing closeout requirements. This project involved importing foundational and transactional data from Banner into Cayuse Fund Manager for post-award reporting, developing a scheduled data feed to import the Banner data to CFM continuously (using Webi reports), and building a monitoring application for the success and error emails generated by CFM to generate alerts and automate basic error handling. It also involved configuring the appropriate security model for the various user types so users can easily access and view respective data related to each grant.
The CFM implementation provides USNH with the following benefits:
- Oversee the entire research portfolio.
- Improve budget oversight for multi-year sponsored projects.
- Generate easy-to-read financial summaries, burn rate, and P&L statements.
- Projects future year expenses to control spending (once Personnel data is synced)
- Reduce errors and compliance risk.
- Collaborate, share, and integrate data with pre-award personnel and other departments.