Canvas is a well-designed, intuitive Learning Management System that saves time and effort, so that faculty and students can focus on the course content and not the tool.
In the summer of 2020, the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) purchased Canvas) as part of a New Hampshire state-wide license that covers all USNH institutions, the Community College System of NH, and all public K-12 schools.
In FY22, Enterprise Technology & Services (ET&S) completed the Moodle (the previous LMS) to Canvas migration for Granite State College (GSC) and Plymouth State University (PSU).
Each migration started with ET&S making a sandbox environment available for all faculty in which to explore and practice prior to launching cohorts and pilot programs. In the spring and summer of 2021, ET&S piloted Canvas to make all GSC and PSU courses available in Canvas in fall 2022. ET&S focused on providing extensive training and support for all GSC and PSU faculty and students to make this transition successful.
All USNH institutions now utilize Canvas as their LMS, which provides students and faculty with a modern, flexible platform for the student experience of learning across the state, allowing for easy sharing of content and practices across institutions, and streamlining support and administration of the LMS.