USNH Cybersecurity

USNH Cybersecurity has received reports of a phishing email targeting UNH community members that purports to be from someone at UNH, asking them to purchase some gift cards.

Email Subject = Urgent Inquiry!


Email Text

Personal information in the email has ben removed

Sorry I am using my alternative email . Wanted to have you do something for me but don't know how convenient you are though? Actually, I need you to get some gift cards from any store around on through any online platform now.There are some prospects I need to send Gift Cards today but I can’t do that right now because I’m currently busy in the Hospital attending to my friend who's critically ill. Let me know if it's possible to get them right now or this morning, so I can tell you which products I would need and what amount. I’ll reimburse you.

<user name removed>
Department of History
Office: History, Horton Social Science
Center Rm 405, Durham, NH 03824
University of New Hampshire
College of Liberal Art

If you received this email, please delete it and confirm the request from the user via University email.

If you responded, please ignore any future communication related to this phishing email.
