Updated: 12/14/21

Enterprise Technology & Services is excited to introduce new tools and technologies to help you with your work and research. Over the next couple of months, we will send you updates and reminders to help prepare you for the start of the fall semester and share training opportunities when available. You will find a list of topics listed below, along with the information you should know, and what actions you need to take if any. Each of these items is proceeded by the impacted campuses, users, and relevant dates. 

USNH Phone Upgrade

Campus(es): Granite State, Keene, Plymouth
Impacted Users: GSC, KSC and PSU Employees
Date of First Message: 12/6/2021

To Know: Enterprise Technology & Services is working to upgrade the USNH phone system to a single platform at all institutions to lower operational costs, reduce risk, improve operational efficiencies, and provide new capabilities. Some of this work may impact phone services. We will include any service interruptions in future messages.

All USNH campuses are currently running different phone and voicemail systems from a variety of providers. Some of the systems have components that are end-of-life/end-of-support and are at increased risk for extended outages. ET&S will be leveraging the existing Avaya phone platform at UNH and PSU to create a single platform for all USNH.  

To Do: Stay tuned for more information, including a project webpage.

MyAccount Password Tool

Campuses: All USNH Campuses
Impacted Users: All USNH Students, Faculty and Staff
Date of First Message: 10/14/21
To Know: On Saturday, October 16, 2021, beginning at 7:00 a.m. EST, Enterprise Technology & Services will implement a new password tool called “MyAccount.” The existing password tools will be retired at this time and replaced with the new MyAccount tool for managing your USNH user account and password.

During the transition on October 16, 2021, users will be unable to change their password, recover a forgotten password, or claim a new account. Please plan accordingly.

To Do: Click here for more information.

Security Awareness Training

Campus(es): All USNH Campues
Impacted Users: All USNH Students, Faculty and staff
Date of First Message: 9/23/2021

To Know: The USNH ET&S Cybersecurity Operations & Engineering Team is excited to kick off National Cybersecurity Awareness Month by announcing our new Cybersecurity Awareness Training initiative. ET&S has partnered with SANS, a world-renowned cybersecurity training leader, to provide highly regarded, professionally delivered content via the Litmos platform.
To Do: Stay tuned for more details and information on how to enroll in this self-paced, online course that requires just under 30 minutes of your time.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Events

Campus(es): All USNH Campues
Impacted Users: All USNH Students, Faculty and staff
Date of First Message: 9/23/2021

To Know: ET&S will host a variety of virtual workshops throughout October, all geared towards learning how to protect your own data and the data of USNH students, faculty and staff. As an incentive to attend, ET&S will raffle off an iPad Mini, (1) $100 gift card, (1) $50 gift card and (1) $25 gift card. You will receive one entry for every workshop you attend, and the more you attend, the better your chances are to win. Attendees will receive Zoom information prior to each session. Workshop descriptions and presenter bios are available on the registration pages.

To Do: Register for the sessions (see below). You will find a list of all sessions here.

Topic: Password Prep Academy: A deep dive into password hygiene and multi-factor authentication
Tuesday, October 5, 10-11:00 a.m.
Click here to register

Topic: Shark Academy: How to recognize a phishing attack and what to do
Tuesday, October 7, 10-11:00 a.m.
Click here to register

Topic: Hygiene Academy: Security for the layperson
Tuesday, October 12, 10-11:00 a.m.

Click here to register

Topic: Control Academy: Good controls are good management and equal clean information technology audits
Thursday, October 14, 10-11:00 a.m.

Click here to register

Topic: Security Awareness Academy - empowering the user
Tuesday, October 19, 10-11:00 a.m.
Click here to register

Topic: Career Academy: The path to a cybersecurity career
Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 10-11:00 a.m.
Click here to register

New Cybersecurity Website

Campus(es): All USNH Campues
Impacted Users: All USNH Students, Faculty and staff
Date of First Message: 9/23/2021

To Know: The new USNH ET&S Cybersecurity site contains information on policies and standards, a list of services, identity management resources, events, tips to stay safe online and much more.

To Do: Click here to visit the USNH ET&S Cybersecurity site.

Question of the Week
Campus(es): All USNH Campues
Impacted Users: All USNH Students, Faculty and staff
Date of First Message: 9/23/2021

Q: Is there a centralized place I can view current phishing emails, legitimate emails and security alerts?
A: Yes! Click here to view the Phishbowl, which lists current phishing and legitimate emails, along with the latest security alerts.

10-digit Dialing Mandate

Campus(es): All USNH Campues
Impacted Users: All USNH Students, Faculty and staff
Date of First Message: 9/23/2021

To Know: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is mandating the use of 10-digit dialing. This change is going into effect for New Hampshire (NH) on Sunday, October 24, 2021, to accommodate the new “9-8-8” National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline and 10-digit dialing.

Some carriers are already requiring 10-digit dialing. As a result, some Keene State phone calls to the 603 area, using a Keene State phone and dialing only 7-digits, are sometimes displayed as an international incoming call on the receiver’s end, creating confusion and missed calls. 

To avoid this confusion, we are asking everyone to begin dialing the additional numbers when making 603 phone calls.

To Do: To complete all NH calls from an on-campus phone, dial X + 1 + 603 + telephone number. 

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 

Campus(es): All USNH Campues
Impacted Users: All USNH Students, Faculty and staff
Date of First Message: 9/23/2021

To Know: Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility, and October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. ET&S will recognize and engage in this annual event by hosting a series of virtual webinars focused on how to keep your data and data owned by the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) secure.?These webinars will be open to all USNH campuses and will feature subject matter experts offering educational advice and information to help increase security awareness and knowledge for our community.? 

To Do: Registration begins on Thursday, September 30. Stay tuned for more information. 

Students Move from Box to OneDrive

Campus(es): GSC and UNH
Impacted Users: All GSC and UNH Box Users
Date of First Message: 9/16/2021

To Know: ET&S copied files from most student Box accounts over to Microsoft OneDrive. This move does not impact UNH faculty or staff. Students can still access shared links, including those linked to course materials, and can still collaborate in Box with research labs, departments, or groups still using Box, but we have directed them to use OneDrive for their own personal file storage and collaboration needs. Moving students to OneDrive helps UNH control the growth of the Box footprint and continues to provide them with a reliable and scalable cloud storage option that meets their needs.

To Do: ET&S will share more information on the Box Migration Exploration in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.

MyAccount Tool

Campus(es): All USNH Campues
Impacted Users: All USNH Students, Faculty and staff
Date of First Message: 9/09/2021
To Know: Enterprise Technology & Services is implementing a new password tool called “MyAccount" in October. Once this tool is fully launched, it will improve your experience to complete the following tasks:

  1. Change your password
  2. Recover a forgotten password
  3. Account claiming for first-time users

To Do: To prepare, all USNH community members must register via the MyAccount tool at https://myaccount.usnh.edu/. Sign in to set up your account recovery security questions, account recovery email, and register Google Authenticator or the Authenticate app before September 22, 2021.

For assistance with the set-up please see How to set up MyAccount for an existing member of the USNH community. Completing this registration process is essential for future self-recovery of your account in the event of a forgotten password.

Zoom and Kaltura Update 

Campus(es):  Keene State College
Impacted Users: All KSC Students, Faculty and staff
Date of First Message: 9/2/2021

To Know: On Monday, August 30, ET&S updated Zoom and Kaltura to add more features and functionality. Click here for an overview of Kaltura: Mediaspace. As a KSC campus community member, you will realize the following benefits 

  • Zoom cloud recording changesAll cloud recordings starting this week will automatically be transferred and stored in Kaltura Media. All previous meeting recordings were also migrated to Kaltura Media. These recordings can be accessed via My Media in Canvas or Kaltura’s streaming platform for KSC - Mediaspace. Going forward cloud recordings will only remain in Zoom for 21 days and those links should not be directly shared with users. 
  • Kaltura Mediaspace ImprovementsKaltura Mediaspace is now the primary streaming video and storage system for most of the KSC campus communityThink of Mediaspace as your own campus YouTube. You can use it to publish lectures, store audio and video files, share media and much more. Click here for an overview.  
  • Faculty and students can continue to use My Media for class-related presentations and activities or choose to publicly share media using KSC’s Mediaspace. 

To Do: Please follow these instructions to embed Kaltura videos into your Canvas course or these instructions to publish and share a Mediaspace recording. If you are currently sharing Zoom cloud recordings, please transition to Mediaspace or My Media in Canvas to share your video recordings. Over the next two months, ET&S will assist you with this transition and your historical Zoom cloud recordings will be removed.  

MyAccount Tool  

Campus(es):  All USNH Campuses
Impacted Users: All USNH Students, Faculty and staff
Date of First Message: 9/9/2021
To Know: Enterprise Technology & Services is implementing a new password tool called “MyAccount" in October. Once this tool is fully launched, it will improve your experience to complete the following tasks: 

  1. Change your password

  2. Recover a forgotten password 

  3. Account claiming for first-time users 

To Do: To prepare, all USNH community members must register via the MyAccount tool at https://myaccount.usnh.edu/. Sign in to set up your account recovery security questions, account recovery email, and register Google Authenticator or the Authenticate app before September 22, 2021.  

For assistance with the set-up please see How to set up MyAccount for an existing member of the USNH community. Completing this registration process is essential for future self-recovery of your account in the event of a forgotten password. 

AD Migration for Institution-owned Windows Computers

Campus(es):  Keene State College and Plymouth State University 
Impacted Users: Faculty and staff
Dates: August 2021 
Date of First Message: 8/12/21 
To Know: In July, ET&S migrated the KSC and PSU Active Directories (AD) to the USNH Enterprise AD. All KSC-owned and PSU-owned Windows Computers must be updated by ET&S to connect to KSC and PSU resources (respectively). 
To Do: If you have not yet had ET&S update your KSC-owned or PSU-owned Windows computer, book an appointment to have your computer updated or attend one of the Faculty Technology Health Checkup sessions.

Connecting a Mac to Wireless 

Campus(es): University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: Students, Faculty and Staff
Date of First Message: September 2, 2021

To Know: Some users are having trouble connecting Macs to eduroam on the UNH wireless network.  
To Do: Go to wifi.unh.edu and follow the on-screen instructions to connect to eduroam. For the best experience, please use Safari to configure your Mac device or laptop and select the “Profile for iPad” installer option.? 

Get Connected to a Printer 

Campus(es): University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: Students, Faculty and Staff
Date of First Message: September 2, 2021

To Know: ET&S is here to help faculty and staff get connected to network printers and update print drivers.   
To Do: Contact the Help Desk at 603-862-2525 or submit a technology request if you are having difficulty printing on campus, technician assistance is needed to resolve printing issues.  

Gradescope Workshop for Faculty and TAs 

Campus(es): University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: Students, Faculty and Staff
Date of First Message: September 2, 2021

To Know: Gradescope is a feedback and assessment tool that dramatically reduces the pain and time associated with grading exams, homework, and other assignments. ET&S is hosting a free, virtual Introduction to Gradescope workshop on Monday, September 7, from 10-11 a.m.  
To Do: Click here to register through Gradescope’s website. 

System Status  

Campus(es): All USNH campuses
Impacted Users: Students, Faculty and Staff
Date of First Message: September 2, 2021

To Know: The USNH Systems Status website provides timely information about scheduled maintenance, unplanned service interruptions, and the status of major IT services across all USNH institutions.  
To Do: Bookmark and Subscribe to get service status email updates.  

Zoom and Kaltura Update

Campus(es): Keene State College
Impacted Users: Students, Faculty and Staff
Date of First Message: August 26, 2021
To Know: On Monday, August 30, ET&S updated Zoom and Kaltura to add more features and functionality. Click here for an overview of Kaltura: Mediaspace. As a KSC campus community member, you will realize the following benefits:

  • Zoom cloud recording changes: All cloud recordings starting this week will automatically be transferred and stored in Kaltura Media. All previous meeting recordings were also migrated to Kaltura. These recordings can be accessed via Canvas or Kaltura’s streaming platform - Mediaspace.  Going forward cloud recordings will only remain in Zoom for 21 days and those links should not be directly shared with users.
  • Kaltura Mediaspace Improvements: Kaltura Mediaspace is now the primary streaming video and storage system for most of the KSC campus community. Think of Mediaspace as our own campus YouTube. You can use it to publish lectures, store audio and video files, share media and much more. Click here for an overview.

To Do: Please follow these instructions to embed Kaltura videos into your Canvas course or these instructions to publish and share a Mediaspace recording. If you are currently sharing Zoom cloud recordings, please transition to Mediaspace or Kaltura in Canvas to share your video recordings. Over the next two months, ET&S will assist you with this transition and your historical Zoom cloud recordings will be removed.
Mediaspace Training
No registration is required. Click here to join.
Sharing Your Media in Canvas and MediaSpace
In this session, you will learn how to share media within your Canvas course or within MediaSpace.
Friday, September 10, 10 a.m.
Monday, September 13, 1 p.m.
September 16, 3 p.m.

Classroom Technology Training

Campus(es): University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: Faculty 
Date(s): August 23 - 25
Date of First Message: 8/19/21
To Know: ET&S will offer in-person, faculty training on Zoom Capable Classrooms and the Meeting Owl.  
To Do: To see a list of available training sessions and to register, click here. If you cannot attend an available session, you may request a technician meet you in your classroom for the first day of classes by submitting a request here and selecting ‘Technician Assistance.’

Audio-Visual Reservations

Campus(es): University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: Students, faculty, staff
Date(s): All semester
Date of First Message: 8/19/21
To Know: UNH Community members (faculty/staff/students) can request audiovisual equipment, including Meeting Owls, and audiovisual technician assistance from Learning Space Technologies using the new Webcheckout Patron Portal.  
To Do: To Request equipment and technician assistance, click here.

Student Email Change

Campus(es): University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: Students
Date(s): Weekend of August 13
Date of First Message: 8/5/21

To Know: Over the weekend of August 13, student email addresses will change to user@unh.edu or user@law.unh.edu (depending on their affiliation) and will now display in a firstname.lastname format. Existing @wildcats.unh.edu or @unhlaw.edu email addresses will remain valid and will automatically redirect to student inboxes. All existing email will remain with the student account. More information on this change here.

To Do: None

Microsoft Identification Update

Campus(es): University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: Students, Faculty and Staff
Date(s): Weekend of August 13

Date of First Message: 8/5/21
To Know: Over the weekend of August 13, all UNH users will have their identity updated in Microsoft 365. This will provide better continuity of Microsoft services going forward. After this change users will notice username@usnh.edu under their account name in Office apps this represents the Microsoft Account username. This is normal behavior.
To Do: To assist with this change, we are asking all faculty and staff to sign out of all Microsoft 365 (M365) applications by Friday, August 13 at 5 p.m. For instructions, click here.

Wireless Access

Campus(es): Granite State College, Keene State College, Plymouth State University, University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: All USNH Students, Faculty and Staff

Date(s): July 29 (PSU), August 9 (GSC), August 16 (UNH). KSC is TBD.
Date of First Message: 6/24/21

To Know: All USNH campuses will move from their institution-specific, secure wireless networks to eduroam, a global wireless network access service for research and education.
To Do: Connect to eduroam.

Zoom Client Upgrade

Campus(es): Granite State College, Keene State College, Plymouth State University, University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: All USNH Students, Faculty and Staff
Date(s): Wednesday, August 18

Date of First Message: 8/12/21
To Know:  On or prior to Wednesday, August 18, all  students, faculty and staff at all USNH institutions need to be on Zoom version 5.6.3 or newer. You will not be able to use the Zoom application to host or join meetings until you update your software on your device to at least version 5.6.3, released in April 2021. Alternatively, you can use the Zoom application on another device with updated software or you can use the Zoom web client to join a meeting.
To Do: Update your Zoom software. Click here for instructions.

Faculty Technology Health Checkup

Campus(es): Keene State College, Plymouth State University, University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: All USNH Faculty
Date(s): Week of August 23

Date of First Message: 8/12/21
To Know:
Enterprise Technology & Services will be offering hands-on checkup clinics at each college the week of August 23.  Bring your institutional device(s) for review and update by an Enterprise Technology & Services expert to confirm you are properly connected to campus resources, have completed the above actions successfully, and have the latest recommended cybersecurity protections enabled.  These steps will be necessary for full access to all UNH resources. Walk-in times and scheduled appointments will be available.

To Do: Click here to schedule an appointment.

Faculty & Staff Training

Campus(es): Granite State College, Keene State College, Plymouth State University, University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: All USNH Faculty and Staff
Date(s): Every day in August

Date of First Message: 8/12/21
To Know: ET&S offers free training courses for faculty and staff, which are especially helpful for the hybrid work environment and the classroom alike. These courses include Microsoft Teams, Canvas and Zoom. All upcoming training opportunities, including virtual and in-person office hours sessions, can be found on our training calendar.
To Do: Register today. Click here.

Jamf Migration

Campus(es): Plymouth State University
Impacted Users: PSU-Owned Macs/Users
Date: Wednesday, August 18
For PSU-Owned Macs Only 
Date of First Message: 8/17/21

To Know: On Wednesday, August 18, Enterprise Technology & Services will migrate all PSU-owned Macs from the PSU Server over to the new, centralized University System of New Hampshire (USNH) server. This migration will take between 15-20 minutes and will not impact your ability to use your Mac.  
 To Do: Follow the instructions when prompted.

OneDrive for Faculty 

Campus(es): Granite State College, Keene State College, Plymouth State College, University of New Hampshire
Impacted Users: Faculty
Date(s): Fall semester
Date of First Message: 8/19/21

To Know: ET&S encourages all faculty to consider using OneDrive when they begin sharing their fall course materials.  Our students are already our biggest users of OneDrive, and most have migrated from Box to OneDrive this summer.
To Do: Visit our Microsoft 365 Support site to get assistance, access the training schedule, and access previously recorded training sessions. Use these instructions to embed OneDrive content in your Canvas course.

Questions? Contact ET&S Strategic Communication.