A. Implementation of the Student Trustee Election Law
B. Implementation of the Alumni Trustee Election Law
C. Authority of the USNH Treasurer and Secretary
D. Expectations of Members of the Board of Trustees
A. Inter-institutional Transfer of Credit
B. Policy on Academic Integrity
C. Joint Policy USNH Board of Trustees and New Hampshire Department of Postsecondary Technical Education Board of Governors [ Repealed. ]
E. Honorary Degrees and Awards
F. Policy on Promotion and Tenure
G. Academic Program Planning and Review
H. Mission Statements [ Repealed. See the Missions section of this OLPM ]
I. Educational Exchange Programs [ Repealed. ]
A. Policy Development and Distribution
C. Foundations Established for the Benefit of USNH or its Component Institutions
E. Defense and Indemnification of Trustees, Officers, and Employees
G. Maintenance, Retention, Disposal, and Disclosure of Records
H. Naming Facilities and Programs
I. Conflicts of Interest and Management of Dual Interests
J. Public Safety on USNH Owned or Leased Property
L. Conflict of Interest – Employees
A. Financial Planning and Budgeting
E. Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes (Residency Rules)
G. Quasi-endowments (also known as Funds Functioning as Endowments)
I. Ancillary Financial Policies
D. Employee and Labor Relations
E. Professional Development and Training
A. Capital Planning and Budgeting
F. Operation and Maintenance of Property
A. System-wide Effect of Disciplinary Suspensions and Expulsions