D. Expectations of Members of the Board of Trustees

(Note: OLPM sections on this page may be cited following the format of, for example, "BOT.I.D.1". These policies may be amended at any time, do not constitute an employment contract, and are provided here only for ease of reference and without any warranty of accuracy. See OLPM Main Menu for details.)

D. Expectations of Members of the Board of Trustees

  1. Membership on the USNH Board of Trustees is an exciting, rewarding, and demanding endeavor. Full and proper execution of the duties and responsibilities of a Trustee requires a substantial commitment of time, intellectual energy, and effort. Every Trustee is expected to meet or exceed shared standards for participation, decorum, collegiality and integrity including, but not limited to, the following.
  2. A Trustee shall at all times discharge his or her duties as a Trustee in good faith, with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances and considering only the best interests of USNH and the component institutions.
  3. A Trustee shall carefully prepare for, and regularly attend, all scheduled Board meetings and the meetings of Committees to which he or she is assigned.
  4. A Trustee shall commit the time necessary to actively participate and be effective in Board and Committee meetings.
  5. A Trustee shall act with decorum and recognize that his or her behavior will be attributed to and reflect on the other members of the Board and USNH. In meetings, other Board events and activities, and in his or her life outside of the Board, a Trustee shall relate to every other member of the Board with a spirit of collegiality, respect, and cooperation.
  6. A Trustee shall faithfully execute his or her duties in a manner he or she reasonably believes to be in the best interests of USNH, setting aside all other interests, personal or otherwise. A Trustee shall recuse themself from any matter in which they doubt their ability to execute their duty solely in the best interests of USNH. Upon recusal a Trustee shall take no part in the deliberation or decision of an issue and shall not in any way influence or attempt to influence the Board’s or any Trustee’s position on the matter.
  7. A Trustee may challenge the judgment of others when he or she deems it necessary to do so, and shall vote his or her individual convictions after listening to others. A Trustee must, however, work with fellow Board members in the best interests of USNH and should not undermine Board decisions publicly or otherwise.
  8. A Trustee shall support the Chancellor's and Presidents' roles as chief executive officers, to whom the Board has delegated broad responsibility for the management and administration of his or her respective institution.
  9. A Trustee shall communicate promptly and as appropriate any significant concern or complaint of which he or she becomes aware to the Chancellor or Board Chair.
  10. A Trustee shall recognize that he or she is not the official spokesperson for USNH or the Board unless otherwise designated. When a Trustee engages in communications as an individual, whether with USNH students or employees, public officials or citizens, the media, or anyone else, the Trustee shall be guided by the expectations set forth in this statement.
  11. A Trustee shall support the fundraising activities of USNH and its component institutions through financial participation and otherwise, according to his or her personal circumstances.
  12. The constituency of each Trustee is USNH, regardless of the source of appointment. A Trustee shall act independently for the benefit of USNH as a whole and not for the benefit of a particular program or interest.
  13. A Trustee shall comply with the letter and spirit of the Board of Trustees' Policy on Conflict of Interest, BOT III.I.
  14. A Trustee shall not engage in conduct that would bring discredit on the Board or USNH or any of its component institutions.
  15. The Board Chairman or Executive Committee may refer to the Governance Committee any case in which a member of the Board is reasonably believed to have violated the Board's Bylaws, a Board policy, or their legal duty as a Trustee. The Governance Committee shall fully and fairly review the matter and report to the Executive Committee its findings and recommendations for further action, if any. The Executive Committee, after considering the findings and recommendations, may issue a private reprimand, recommend to the full Board a public vote of censure or, in appropriate cases, no confidence, or take such further action as may be allowed by law. No trustee or other person shall be subject to retaliation in any form for making a complaint against a trustee, or participating in the review of such complaint, provided the trustee or person does so in good faith and with a reasonable belief in the truth of their allegations, testimony, and other statements.
This page last updated . For information on the adoption and effective dates of policies please see explanation on the OLPM Main Menu.