The Board of Trustees of the University System of New Hampshire has authorized the Treasurer to execute all contracts, leases, grants, deeds, negotiable instruments, and any other legal documents on behalf of the USNH and each of its component institutions.
Pursuant to the authority granted by the Board of Trustees, the Treasurer has delegated to other individuals within the USNH limited authority to sign certain documents as agents of the USNH and their respective institution. No person is authorized to execute such documents on behalf of the USNH or their respective institution unless authority to do so has been delegated in writing by the Treasurer or other USNH or campus official authorized to make such delegations. Failure to observe this requirement may result in personal liability for the contract or individual responsibility for the representations made. See Signature Authority Matrix for administrative positions at the USNH or campus whose incumbents are currently assigned such authority.
The official version of this information will only be maintained in an on-line web format. Any and all printed copies of this material are dated as of the print date. Please make certain to review the material on-line prior to placing reliance on a dated printed version.