PCard Receipt Application

The USNH PCard Receipt Application (PRA) has permanently sunset on Friday, December 13, 2024 at 5:00pm.

Beginning January 6, 2025 all PCard receipts, transacted after November 28, 2024, and those unreconciled since July 1, 2024, will be available for reconciliation in Workday's Expense Management via an Expense Report.

PCard Receipts FAQ's

Detailed receipts and supporting documentation for purchases on a PCard should be submitted using Workday through an Expense Report. It is the PCard holder’s responsibility to obtain an itemized receipt for items purchased on a PCard. Cardholders are required to secure any approvals required by PCard policy prior to submission.

Questions about the Expense Module may be submitted through a Travel, Expense & PCard Support/Inquiry .

The PCard holder should contact the supplier and ask for a copy of the itemized receipt. If the supplier is unable to reissue a receipt the USNH lost receipt form should be used. The lost receipt form should not be used on a routine basis.   Lost Receipt Form.pdf (sharepoint.com)

Submit a Travel, Expense & PCard Support/Inquiry with details of the expense in question and include the FDM that was incorrectly used, the corresponding charge amount and correct FDM that should be used. The FOC team will work on fixing the misapplied charge and will ensure that it is posted to the correct FDM.