PCard FAQ's

PCard FAQ's

The first step is to call the number on the bank of the Pcard. The Unique ID associated with your card is the last 4 digits of your USNH ID. Wells Fargo Customer Service will assist the card holder and let them know if the Program Administrator should be contacted. If this is the case, submit a Procurement Support/Inquiry, for assistance.

Requests to temporarily change your PCard can be completed by submitting a Temporary Change Request, found on this website under Forms/Policies. Submit this signed form through a Procurement Support/Inquiry. Detailed information can be found on the USNH policy 09-103 Section D.

Complete, sign and submit through a Procurement Support/Inquiry, a PCard application which is located here. As a reminder, UShop is the preferred method of making purchases. The PCard should be utilized for travel related purchases and in instances where the vendor requires payment by credit card only.

Please refer to USNH policy 09-103 for information regarding authorized purchases for each card type. Keep in mind each card has set limits for single and monthly transaction amounts. Including the number of transactions which may be processed in a day and during the monthly cycle (ends on 10th of each month). If limits are exceeded, this will result in a decline at the bank. PCards are never to be used to pay invoices.

Ask a department representative who has a card authorized for travel related expenses to purchase your flight and other travel related expenses. If there is no one in your department with the ability to purchase travel related expenses, following approval from your direct supervisor, you may make the purchase with personal funds and be reimbursed after the trip has been completed. If you will be traveling regularly you may want consider apply for a Travel PCard in your name.

Complete, sign and submit through a Procurement Support/Inquiry, a Pcard Change Request From found here. Detailed information may be found on the USNH policy 09-103 Section D.

UShop is the preferred method for purchasing and should be used whenever possible and appropriate. For more information regarding when to use UShop versus a PCard, refer to the Purchasing Methods found on the USNH Finance Hub, USNH policy 09-103.                                        

Submit through a Procurement Support/Inquiry, the cardholder name, last 4 digits of the card number and date the card should be cancelled. Physical cards may be destroyed by the cardholder, or direct supervisor, once cancelled.

The first course of action should be to contact the supplier to determine if the charge is valid or not.   If that isn’t successful, please contact Wells Fargo at 1-800-932-0036 (or the number on the back of the card, if different) to report potential fraud. The cardholder will need the last 4 digits of their employee ID number which is the Wells Fargo Unique ID.

New vendors can be added to UShop through PaymentWorks. With PaymentWorks, you may easily request new suppliers through one form and track the progress of their onboarding in a real-time dashboard. Suppliers respond directly within PaymentWorks, complete a short registration process, and submit their tax documentation and banking information (if selected for ACH payments). Suppliers may log back into their portal anytime to view their invoices and payment status and update their profile information. Access to PaymentWorks will be available through UShop and the Procurement Webpage. You will automatically be able to login using your Single Sign-On Credentials

Call WellsFargo® immediately to report a card lost or stolen at 1-800-932-0036. The cardholder will need their Wells Fargo Unique ID which are the last 4 digits of the cardholder's employee ID number. This must be done by the cardholder as Wells Fargo may need to confirm the most recent transactions.