11 - 010 Maintaining an Equipment Inventory System


This document explains the requirements for and purposes of the USNH Equipment Inventory System. The System ensures management control of USNH assets, including the acquisition, utilization, location, reporting, and disposal of equipment.

1. USNH Equipment Inventory System. USNH uses the Banner Fixed Asset module of Banner Finance to maintain records on all capitalized USNH equipment.

2. Why is a Equipment Inventory System Necessary? An Equipment Inventory System safeguards the physical assets of USNH, assures compliance with federal regulations, and provides an auditable subsidiary ledger to the USNH general ledger. Federal grant and contract regulations require that a structured equipment inventory be maintained and that available equipment be fully utilized before federal funds are spent on additional equipment purchases.

3. Responsibility.

a. The Property Control department of USNH Financial Services is responsible for maintaining inventory records for all equipment.

b. The Principal Investigator (PI)/Project Director (for grant funded items), or assigned Equipment Custodian/Manager is required to inform USNH Property Control of any changes to the status of equipment assets under their control in a timely manner.


1. Required Information: The following elements must be included in the Equipment Inventory System per federal guidelines.

a. Identification: Tag/Barcode number, description, model, manufacturer, serial number, or other identification number

b. Location: Campus, department, building, and room number

c. Award: Funding source (Banner fund/org), responsible person, grant code and name of project director or user

d. Acquisition and Use: Date acquired, condition, title to, purchase order number, invoice number, and/or related journal entry numbers.

e. Cost: Unit acquisition cost

f. Disposal: Date, reason, disposal method, sale price

2. Reconciliation. The Banner Fixed Assets files are reconciled regularly.

3. Reporting of Federally-Owned Equipment - STAR is responsible for the submission of annual inventory reports and other reports upon termination of grants and contracts of federally-owned equipment. STAR will communicate to the federal sponsor, title holder, or cognizant contracting officer all instances of loss, damage, or destruction of equipment.

4. Custodian Responsibilities - Equipment Custodians/Managers must inform USNH Property Control of changes to the status of equipment, both as part of the inventory process and as part of normal operations, including:

a. Maintenance Information. It is the Equipment Custodian/Manager's responsibility to return warranty cards, conduct regular or periodic maintenance, such as lubrication, cleaning, or calibration and maintain records of deficiencies discovered as a result of inspections, as well as any maintenance actions.

b. Subrecipient responsibilities. The Principal Investigator or Program Director must advise sub-recipients of their responsibility to comply with USNH equipment policies and procedures where applicable.

c. Physical Movement of Equipment. When equipment is loaned to non-USNH entities, sold or given by one department to another, or moved from one location to another within a department, a completed Equipment Location Form USNH 11-010F must be sent to USNH Property Control within 30 days following the move. In addition, custodians or equipment managers should report all instances of loss, damage, or destruction of equipment to USNH Property Control, as soon as possible.

d. Title Transfer. When a grant or contract closes which has sponsor owned or titled equipment, the project director must notify STAR to request authorization from the sponsor to transfer ownership to USNH.

e. Transfer of Equipment to Another Institution. Faculty members transferring to another institution must receive written approval from the Senior Vice Provost for Research at UNH or the campus finance office at the other campuses, and the sponsor as required, to transfer grant or contract funded equipment. To transfer equipment purchased with non-grant funds, written approval must be received from the campus VP for Finance. A copy of applicable approval, including the USNH barcode #, the Banner PTAG #, and other applicable identifying and contact information, should be forwarded to USNH Property Control.

f. Theft. In addition to completing the appropriate disposal documentation (see Section B.4.g. below), property which is stolen or vandalized must be immediately reported by the Equipment Custodian/Manager to the respective campus security office and to the USNH Internal Audit Department.

UNH Campus Police*   603-862-1427
KSC Campus Safety  603-358-2228
PSU Campus Safety  603-535-2330
USNH Internal Audit Department  603-862-3500

* Includes off-campus buildings

g. Disposal. See USNH Procedure 11-030: Disposal of Surplus Property.

h. Inventories. See USNH Procedure 11-040: Inventory of Equipment.

5. Contacts

USNH Property Control

Accounting Manager, Telephone 603-862-3127

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