UNH - University of New Hampshire

II. Academic Policies

A. Constitution of the Faculty Senate

B. Bylaws of the Faculty Senate

C. Misconduct in Scholarly Activity

D. Financial Conflict of Interest in Research [ Changed. See UNH VIII.E]

E. Use of Human Subjects in Research [ Changed. See UNH VIII.F ]

F. Care and Use of Animals [ Changed. See UNH VIII.G ]

M. University Institutes

N. Interdisciplinary Schools

III. Administrative Policies

A. Display of Flags on the Thompson Hall Flagpole

B. Mailing Lists and Directories

C. Policy on the Receipt of Gifts

D. Use of University's Name for Fundraising Purposes

E. Institutional Policy Development, Review and Approval

F. Protection of Minors

G. Commercial Activities on Campus

H. Manual and Motorized Personal Transportation Devices

I. Tobacco-, Smoke-, & Nicotine-Free Policy

J. Firearms on Campus

K. Alcohol Policy

M. Promotion and Advertising

N. Industrial Consortia

O. International Travel Policy

P. Compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)  Spanish version

IV. Financial Policies

B. Sponsored Program Administration

C. Policy/Guidelines on Spousal/Partner Expenses

D. Management of Equity Interests in Start-up Companies

V. Personnel Policies

B. Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment

C. Employment

D. Employee Relations

F. Compensation

VI. Property Policies

F. Operation and Maintenance of Property

VIII. Research Policies

A. Openness, Access, and Participation in Research and Scholarly Activities

B. Classified Work

C. Ownership, Management, and Sharing of Research Data

D. Intellectual Property Policy

E. Financial Conflict of Interest in Research

F. Use of Human Subjects in Research

G. Care and Use of Animals

I. Use of Controlled Substances

M. Cost Sharing on Externally Sponsored Programs

N. Program Income on Externally Sponsored Programs

O. Not-fully-executed (NFE) Spending Accounts on Externally Sponsored Programs

Q. Supplies Charged to Federally Sponsored Agreements

R. Cost Transfers on Externally Sponsored Programs

S. Proposing, Managing, and Certifying Effort for Employees Engaged in Externally Sponsored Programs

T. Financial Conflict of Interest in Research for PHS-Funded Projects  Spanish version

U. Compliance with Federal Export Control Regulations

This page last updated . For information on the adoption and effective dates of policies please see explanation on the OLPM Main Menu.