Committee Charges

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is responsible for the selection of external auditors; review of the results of the annual audit at least once a year with the external auditors; oversight of USNH's conflict of interest policies and related procedures; and coordination of the efforts of USNH Internal Audit, including review and acceptance of Internal Audit's budget, the annual audit plan and the results of completed audits in accordance with established USNH policy and RSA 187-A:25-a.

The Committee is composed of the Governor, ex-officio, and at least three other Board members, none of whom can be employees of USNH and each of whom possess general accounting, business and financial knowledge. At least one of the members has expertise in finance or accounting. The chair of the Financial Affairs Committee may be a member of the audit committee but may not be its chair.

Educational Excellence Committee

The Educational Excellence Committee has the responsibility for, and makes recommendations to the Board on, matters relating to the coordination of policy and planning for operations relating to the mission of USNH, including but not limited to the following:

  • Educational programs
  • Research and technology transfer functions and programs
  • Programs related to community and state services related to the USNH mission
  • Faculty promotions and granting of tenure
  • Student affairs
  • Assessment of institutional and USNH performance in accomplishment of respective missions

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is made up of the Board Officers and the Chairs of the other standing committees. It is responsible for development and coordination of long-range planning, collective bargaining, Board Governance, and evaluation and compensation of the key officers of USNH.

The Executive Committee generally acts to coordinate the work of the Board's standing committees. It is also authorized to act for the Board between meetings.

Executive Performance Review Subcommittee

This special committee shall: (1) Establish performance goals and related metrics for each of the CEOs; (2) Undertake such further related tasks as may be requested by the Executive Committee.

Finance Committee on Investments

The Finance Committee on Investments, established by state law, RSA 187-A:17, is composed of the Governor of the State of New Hampshire or his/her designee; three other members of the Board selected by the Board chairperson; and the Treasurer of the University System. The Committee has general responsibilities for the investment of funds of the University System in accordance with policies approved by the Board of Trustees. Specific responsibilities include the following:

  • Recommend to the Board of Trustees any changes in spending policy
  • Develop an asset allocation strategy and set guidelines
  • Approve the engagement of any outside investment consultants
  • Develop guidelines for monitoring the performance of portfolio managers and their compliance with investment guidelines
  • Review quarterly investment performance reports and periodically meet with portfolio managers

Financial Affairs Committee

The Financial Affairs Committee coordinates policy and planning for all financial matters of USNH. It shall consider all recommendations of the Chancellor and the Administrative Board of a fiscal nature that board policy directs to this Committee. Financial Affairs includes not only the operating and capital budgets of the University System, but all expenditures, revenues, fiscal commitments, property sales and acquisitions, or other transactions that affect the financial resources of USNH.

This Committee shall exercise the fiduciary responsibilities of the Board of Trustees requiring of the Chancellor such studies, reports, information, and recommendations as it may deem necessary for the proper and effective exercise of its responsibilities. Besides advising the Board on all policy matters related to financial affairs and carrying out all responsibilities with respect to USNH finance designated by existing policy, this Committee will support the long-range planning efforts of the Board by identifying financial resources available to meet the needs of USNH programs and services.

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee shall have the responsibility for, and make recommendations to the Board on, matters relating to policies and procedures to enhance the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the Board and other governing institutions of USNH, including but not limited to:

  • Development of policies and procedures relating to conflict of interests, financial disclosures and ethics issues
  • Assessment of necessary skills and qualities for prospective Board members and preparation of recommendations regarding composition of the Board
  • Oversight of the development and implementation of the Board’s program for new Trustee orientation and ongoing Trustee development
  • Assessment and, as appropriate, recommending to the Chairperson changes in the composition and structure of the Board
  • Development of programs for evaluation and assessment of Board performance and effectiveness

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee conducts an annual nomination and election process to inform, advise, and counsel the Board Officers on the appointment of committee chairs, vice chairs, and members; and advise the Board on matters relating to leadership succession.