
student sitting under tree on campus

Helpful Links

Employee Directories


USNH Employee Human Resources Site

Whether a prospective employee, current employee, or retiree, we have many resources available for you. We are here to help!

Student Employee Information

Here you will find information and forms you may need as a student employee working at the campuses of USNH.


The following information is available in Workday:
  • Benefits and Deductions View Medical, Dental, Life Insurance, and Disability Benefits, as well as Voluntary and Involuntary Deductions
  • Tuition Benefits
  • Pay Information
  • Leave Information

Ethics and Compliance Hotline

The University System of New Hampshire values honesty, integrity, ethical conduct and compliance with laws, regulations, and policies. Our written standards and policies contain general guidelines for conducting business with the highest standards of ethics.

Situations may arise, however, when an individual discovers or reasonably suspects unethical or illegal behavior and yet may be reluctant to report it for fear of reprisal or retaliation. In such situations, you are encouraged to use this hotline hosted by a third party hotline provider, EthicsPoint, which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on an anonymous basis if you should choose.

hotline button link to USNH hotline information

USNH SharePoint Intranet Site

The USNH SharePoint Intranet site is for USNH employees to access forms (tax withholding, payroll, etc.) and valuable employee information. 

Log In Instructions:

For best results, use Google or Firefox as your browser.

  • Click on the following link: https://universitysystemnh.sharepoint.com/sites/USNH
  • Enter your institutional email address on the Microsoft log in page
  • If prompted to choose between a Microsoft account or Organizational account, select Organizational account. Please note that student accounts do not have access to the site.
  • You should then be directed your campus’s Office 365 sign in page
  • Enter your campus username and password on your campus log in page 
  • Next, a screen may pop up asking if you’d like to stay signed in. Either yes or no is fine; it’s your preference. 
  • You should then be brought to the site. Be sure to save to your bookmarks!

For site access issues, please email usnh.intranet.support@usnh.edu

Online Policy Manual

This Online Policy Manual contains policies adopted by the University System Board of Trustees, the Presidents’ Council (also known as Administrative Board), the Chancellor’s office (also known as the University System Administration), and each of the USNH institutions, Keene State College, Plymouth State University, and the University of New Hampshire. 


Financial Services Policies and Procedures

USNH Financial Policies and Procedures document financial transaction procedures applicable to all campuses of the University System; serve as a reference; provide guidance; promote administrative efficiency; promote consistency and uniformity in the treatment of financial transactions; complement training of personnel; and reduce the need of central processing support staff to spend time answering each individual inquiry on a particular subject.