Lean word cloud

It has been a busy summer here for our Lean practitioners.  Over the past few months, five USNH employees have completed their requirements for Lean Green Belt Certification. 

Passion, dedication, and drive are characteristics our Lean practitioners bring to the table.  Becoming a Lean Green Belt requires not only being a certified Lean Yellow Belt and attending three days of classroom training but facilitation of a team through a Lean project. Covid restrictions did not stop these five aspiring Lean Green Belts as they held their team sessions either virtually or through a hybrid approach. Whether the facilitator conducted their sessions virtually or used a hybrid approach they all used an online collaboration tool called Miro.

Let's get to know more about each of the new Lean Green Belts.

Deb Della Selva

Enterprise Technology and Services

Deb Della Selva

The UNH dining team was exploring solutions to improve the internal meal plan ordering process while enhancing the student experience. Deb guided the team utilizing Lean methodology as they explored the current landscape to help design a recommended future state.  Through the changes identified the team anticipates improving meal plan turnaround from ordering to availability, reduce meal plan processing time and enhance customer satisfaction.


Jasmine Huffman

University of New Hampshire Career and Professional Success Team

Jasmin Huffman


Jasmine facilitated the UNH Online team as they explored a streamlined solution for onboarding new online programs.  To get her team use to the new online collaboration tool she started off her facilitation with a fun ice breaker that engaged the entire team.   Upon implementation of the recommended changes, the team hopes to improve task sequencing, ensure earlier trigger points, and develop communication paths that are more open and available to all team members. With these changes, they hope to save time, reduce stress, and eliminate bottlenecks.


Blaise Masse

Enterprise Technology and Services

Blaise Masse


Taking the initiative to facilitate an internal project for the housing department Blaise worked with the group to streamline housing room selection.  The opportunity at hand was to engage Lean to make the UNH housing room selection process more streamlined and user-friendly which is anticipated to address concerns over dissatisfaction, retention, and efficiency.  Blaise quickly became a Miro expert sharing his knowledge through team engagement with the tool.


Jenny Masana

Granite State College Academic Advising

Jenny Masana


Jenny was called upon to support the Enterprise Technology and Services team to aid in evaluating the ordering and purchasing of IT assets.  The project is also referred to as “Dude, where’s my stuff?”  which set out to determine how to engage technologies and processes to better identify client needs, have a consistent process that reduces overhead by using a centralized repository for more effective and transparent order tracking system and improve asset accountability for their stakeholders throughout the process.  Challenged with competing production issues, Jenny was able to corral the team to work together and achieve their Lean project objectives.


Megan Pardy-Gokcu

University of New Hampshire Career and Professional Success Team

Megan Pardy-Gokcu


Challenged with a combination of online and virtual participants Megan lead an internal UNH CaPS team events project.  The team’s goal was to streamline and optimize the virtual events process and clarify team roles in preparation for a variable number of events throughout the academic year. Through their current landscape analysis, they determined that there was no single process to conduct virtual events which range from 5 – 25 career-related events each academic semester. The team’s anticipated outcomes include striving to develop a repeatable virtual events process while clearly delineating roles and responsibilities amongst the team.

Please join us in congratulating our latest Certified Lean Green Belts. 

To learn more about and register for USNH's Lean Training programs please click:  USNH employees or  Non-USNH employees