04 - 006 Preparation of Petty Cash Replenishment Request

Procedure References: Procedure 4-001, Petty Cash Funds
Procedure 4-002, Imprest Checking Accounts
Procedure 4-004, Preparation of Cash Fund Request
Procedure 4-005, Preparation of Petty Cash Voucher
Form: Petty Cash Replenishment Request (Form USNH-F46)
Obtain Blank Forms From: USNH Accounts Payable, 862-1474
Forward Completed Forms To: USNH Policies & Procedures - Appendix A - USNH-F46 -or-
Accounts Payable (USNH, KSC, PSC as applicable)

1. Purpose

  • To request replenishment of petty cash or imprest checking accounts to their authorized balance.
  • To reconcile the petty cash fund or imprest checking account so as to account for all monies entrusted to the Custodian.

2. Use of the Petty Cash Replenishment Request - When cash in the petty cash fund (or the checkbook balance in the case of an imprest checking account) is low, or if un-replenished receipts exceed $300 at the end of any month, it is the Custodian's responsibility to enter a payment voucher (PV) document on-line in the CUFS system to replenish the fund. A Petty Cash Replenishment Request, Form USNH-F46, is sent to Accounts Payable to support the PV. The USNH-F46, with attached original receipts and Petty Cash Vouchers, must be reviewed and approved by the Department Head or someone who is authorized to approve departmental expenditures. Upon receipt and verification of a properly prepared USNH-F46, Accounts Payable will place final electronic approval on the PV and mail a copy of the USNH-F46 back to the Custodian with an original A/P signature. The Custodian will then take the signed copy of the USNH-F46 to the Cashier/Bursar to obtain cash. Accounts Payable will review Petty Cash Replenishment Requests within 24 hours of receipt and will either approve them for cash replenishment or will contact the Custodian via electronic mail with questions or problems. In order to avoid walking documents through the process, Custodians should allow 3 business days for the USNH-F46 to be mailed, reviewed and approved, and the copy mailed back to them. To shorten the time, Custodians may request that the approved copy of the USNH-F46 be held at Accounts Payable for pick up by the Custodian on their way to the Cashier/Bursar (simply check the "HOLD APproVAL AT A/P" box on the USNH-F46). The signed copy of the Replenishment Request will serve as a voucher to authorize the Cashier/Bursar to pay cash to the Custodian. The Cashier/Bursar will obtain the Custodian's signature signifying receipt of cash and retain the USNH-F46 for their records. Custodians who prefer a replenishment check may indicate so by checking the appropriate box on the USNH-F46 but they should allow 5 business days for the check to be received. The campus Cashier/Bursar will cash the USNH replenishment check upon presentation by the Custodian with appropriate identification.

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