VIII. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Executive Council Charter

Establishment: The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Executive Council (or IDEA Executive Council) is a standing body within the University System of New Hampshire. The Council is advisory to the USNH President’s Council and is charged to consider, decide, and/or recommend strategic or operationally significant inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility matters, according to the policies and processes of USNH.

Purpose: The IDEA Executive Council’s purpose is to serve as a liaison between the USNH President’s Council and the campuses to create an alignment of goals, mission, objectives, and policies. Our purpose is also to champion the implementation of diversity, equity, and accessibility-based practices.

Membership: The IDEA Executive Council will be comprised of the three Chief Diversity Officers from each of the USNH institutions (Keene State College, Plymouth State University, and the University of New Hampshire). Each Chief Diversity Officer will serve as chair for one year on a rotating basis. Other representatives may be invited to attend meetings at the discretion of Council members.

Council Chair: The Chair is responsible for convening the IDEA Executive Council and for setting the agenda. The Chair is the primary point of contact for the USNH System Office, Executive Councils and the Administrative Board. The Chair is responsible for ensuring the relationship between the IDEA Executive Council and the various Councils is maintained.

Meetings: The Council will have regular meetings (typically monthly) sufficient to meet its objectives in support of the outcomes expected from its annual work plan. The meetings will be at times and locations convenient to membership and include video conference calls.


  • Create and execute a cohesive, ongoing systemwide plan for inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility giving flexibility for each campus to approach the plan in the way that best suits its needs.
  • Advise the President’s Council on critical, strategic, and emerging issues in inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility both within the University System and across higher education.
  • Keep the President’s Council abreast of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility goals and strategic initiatives at each of the USNH institutions.
  • Through systemwide collaboration, ensure that processes, behaviors, policies, and procedures across USNH are in accordance with Civil Rights and ADA regulations, within inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility best practices unique to each campus, and within financial parameters to mitigate risk to USNH.
  • Actively work with all members (faculty, staff, students, and administrators) of the USNH institutions to ensure students are adequately prepared to engage in an increasingly global and diverse world.
  • Actively work to support USNH members where gaps in processes, policies, and procedures may currently exist and make recommendations that best serve each System campus.
  • Collaborate with the Provost’s Council where relevant to meet stated objectives.